Princeton Town Topics – Let’s Talk Real Estate – April 14, 2021
Here in the northeast, spring is an excellent time to plant trees in your yard. Besides adding beauty and curb appeal, did you know that landscaping can add value to your home? Nationwide studies show that trees and landscaping can add anywhere from 5% to 15% to your home’s value.
Like any other home improvement project, plan out the details of your planting and landscaping design ahead of time. A typical plan will include a budget (trees can be expensive), and choosing trees based on your location and on how much care and maintenance they will need.
Be sure to take into account how your trees will look in three, five, and 10 years. Plant and space your trees based on their mature height and width.
A mix of evergreens, flowering trees and deciduous trees provides color and beauty throughout the year. Some popular choices in the mid-Atlantic region are as follows:
Flowering and ornamental trees: Eastern Redbud, Flowering Cherry, Crepe Myrtle, Japanese Maple, River Birch, Kousa Dogwood
Evergreen: Spruce (Blue, Norway), Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar, American Holly, Leyland Cypress